NE QSO Party Operating and Winter Field Day Results

W1AQ will be participating in operating NE QSO Party from the clubhouse on May 5th (Sunday) at 10AM.  We are looking for members or anyone who is interested in participating in operating the contest that day.  Band conditions still do not look favorable but we are hoping there is some opportunity to operate the contest.

KB1VYI and KB1QWO operated from the shack for winter field day this year, only putting in a couple hours worth of contacts.  They logged 121 SSB contacts that day with fairly favorable operating conditions across the band with no shortage of people to work on the bands.  It was a bit chilly, even being inside the shack though!

Field Day 2019!

W1AQ is currently planning field day 2019!  This years Field day will take place from June 22 to June 23.  We plan to operate from Slaters Park in the Marconi Gardens at the Northeast entrance of the park near Pawtucket Country Club in Pawtucket, Rhode Island  We are looking forward to setting up the tower and teaming up with the Fidelity Amateur Radio Club to operate.  Interested in operating or learning more about Ham Radio? Stop by to see morse code operators, voice operators, and digital operators make contacts across the world in Ham Radios most popular products.

W1AQ Christmas Party Success and Future Contest Operating

As the year is coming to a close we finished out the year with the W1AQ Christmas Party.  We had great attendance this year with with 13 people showing up with food.  So much food was eaten and laughter shared!  We started to plan some contests to operate as well and started to look forward in planning future events..  We are looking to also operate Winter Field Day on January 20 and the North American QSO Party on February 23-24.  We are looking for operators to help assist in this event so we can get these going. Thank you all for your attendance!

ARASNE Annual Meeting Friday September 14!

ARASNE 2018 Annual meeting will take place on Friday, September 14, 2018 at 8:30pm with our September meeting to follow the annual meeting. This is also a reminder that DUES will be due on September 1st of this year! At this time election of officers and commitees will take place. We strongly encourage all members to attend at this meeting if possible. As a reminder of positions.
Vice President
Ethics Committee – 2 Seats
Membership Committee
Technical Committee
Publicity Committee
Field Day Committee
QSL Manager
Activities/Social Committee
Building Committee
We hope to see everyone there!
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Field Day Results 2018

Field Day was a great success for us and we made many contacts (roughly 1400 to be specific) which is an improvement over last year. We were able to operate the radio throughout the 24 hour period and even activity on 15m and 10m opened up in the morning on Sunday until the close of the contest.
Many thanks to our operators:
Most contacts were made on phone while Digital and CW made up about 25% of our contacts. Hope to have even more operators next year as well.
73 de KB1VYI

Field Day Field Day Field Day!

Field Day Field Day Field Day is coming! W1AQ will plan to operate at Slater Park in Pawtucket Rhode Island in the Marconi Gardens! Field Day will take place June 23 – June 24. We are looking for operators, if you are interested in Ham Radio or want to come by an operate feel free to Contact the Secretary at [email protected]! Come buy and take a visit and come see whats new at W1AQ!

Friday Night Technical Presentation May 4th at 8:30 PM

The next Friday night technical presentation and discussion will be held on Friday May 4th at 8:30 PM. The topic will go over QRP and Portable operations. This will include some technical discussion on system losses and power options along with some of KB1VYI’s personal equipment for portable and QRP operations. As usual, coffee and dessert will be served for the presentation. The event is open to club members and the public. Hope to see you there!

Technical Discussions every Fourth Friday of the Month

On the Fourth Friday of every month, we will be holding a technical discussion on different ham radio topics. The first topic will be held on March 30, on Digital Modes in Ham Radio, and the first discussion will be led by KB1VYI. Discussion will include different fundamental information, technical engineering design of the signal, and a demonstration of the a couple modes here down at the radio club.
Some modes include:
Club members and non-club members are welcome to partake. The discussion will begin at 8pm Friday. Email [email protected] for more details!