Author Archives: Tyler Turcotte

W1AQ VE Sessions

W1AQ is continuing to hold VE sessions at our clubhouse. To find more information about when and where please use the ARRL page to find when we hold sessions or to setup a time with us.



W1AQ Operates as VQ5Q in Turks and Caicos for 100th Anniversary!

W1AQ will be celebrating it’s soon to be 100th anniversary with a DXpedition down to Turks and Caicos. The call sign will be VQ5Q. Operation starts tomorrow, April 20 and Ends April 26.

The 3 person operating team will be operating SSB, CW, and FT8. More details to come as operations commence.

Special QSL cards will be create to commemorate the event.

W1AQ VE Session Saturday April 1st at 9:30AM

W1AQ will be holding another VE session on Saturday April 1st at 930 AM at the radio clubhouse on Kelley Ave in Rumford, RI. Walk ins are welcome but please feel free to schedule with us here on Facebook so we can get a headcount.

We’d also like to thank all those who came out for our last session and congratulate all of those with their new/upgraded licenses!

Please reach out to [email protected] for questions or to reserve a spot.

Tyler KB1VYI

Field Day! This Weekend 06/23 – 06/24.

This weekend is Field Day Weekend! W1AQ members will be teaming up with Fidelity Amateur Radio Club and operating from Slater’s Park at the Northern Entrance near Pawtucket Country Club. Arrival time is 9:00 AM Saturday and operating starts at 2PM on Saturday. We invite all hams and interested parties to stop by to operate or learn more about the hobby. Field day is the most active amateur radio contest that practices emergency communication setup in response to state and national emergencies. We will be talking with people across the country who will be partaking in the contest.

We hope to see you there! 73 de KB1VYI