ARASNE has been an active amateur radio club in Rhode Island since 1926. Our clubhouse was originally the only building on the street! In 1925, one of the founding members donated the property, and in 1926, ARASNE was born! We are one of the few New England clubs which have their own clubhouse and property. ARASNE has a rich history of activity in participating in contests and events.
W1AQ after a Hurricane on September 21, 1938.
If you’re interested in getting into amateur radio, perhaps just more out of the hobby, your welcome to join us *any* Friday evening after 7:30pm. The ARASNE clubhouse is located at 54 Kelley Avenue, East Providence, RI. There is plenty of parking!. As the slogan was coined —
“Come and see what’s new… at W1AQ!”
President: William Litchman (KB1PGP)
Vice President: Kevin Multer (W2AQY)
Secretary: Tyler Turcotte (KB1VYI)
Treasurer: Doug Troughton (N2RDF)

I have a Ritron Patriot FCC ID: AIERPM -150 scanner with an Astron SL-11A power supply that is in good working condition. Is there anyone in your club that might be interested in buying it?
Just a up date for kb. Just had the old prostate removed and recovering here in baltimore. All is going well and tubes out on the second of september. Hello to all the members from me. 73 KB
For got mysign on stuff.
I’m looking for a good home for anyone that wants my Fathers old 60’s-70’s boat anchor. As I recall, he was part of your club in the 70’s as WA1VEL.
Hallicrafter sx-71
Viking Challenger Transmitter
Hi PJ!
I just got your message, I will send an email out to those of us at the club to generate interest. Are you also a fellow ham as well>
Tyler….I learned that my friend Paul Cavanaugh (W1HY) was a member of your radio club. He told me many stories of his ham radio days and his passion for it. Wanted to make you aware (unless you already know) that he passed last night after a long battle with his illness. Please share with any others who may have known him. He was a heck of a guy!